To set up payment for owner operators in Truckpedia, the first step is to properly tag the owner operator and assign them to the correct assets such as drivers, trucks, and trailers.
1. Create the Tag for the Owner Operator
To begin setting up payment for an owner operator, you first need to tag the driver as an owner operator in the system. This is done by logging into the Settings section, accessing the Tags section, and creating a new tag.
2. Set Up the Payment Type
Choose how you will pay the owner operator—either by a percentage of total income (which includes hauling fees, surcharges, and detention charges) or only the hauling fee.
3. Add Recurring Deductions (if any)
If there are recurring deductions such as trailer rentals or other fixed costs, you can add them in this step.
For example, if you deduct $200 per week for trailer rental, you would set this as a flat pay, ensuring that it is not marked as taxable.
4. Make sure your assets are tagged under the correct company.
(e.g.,ABC Trucking).
- Assets --> Drivers --> Tags--> Save
- Repeat for Trucks and Trailers
- This ensures that all the loads tied to this driver will be captured under the right company for payment processing.
By tagging the assets, you ensure that all relevant data is captured under the right company for payment processing.