How to Duplicate, Delete, Cancel, or Restore a Load

Managing loads in Truckpedia TMS is simple. You can quickly duplicate, delete, cancel, or restore a load with just a few clicks. Follow these steps to keep your loads up to date.

How to Duplicate a Load

1. Click on the Load: Navigate to the load you want to duplicate and click to open its details.

2. Click 'Actions': In the top right corner, under the "Actions" menu, you'll find options to duplicate, delete, or cancel the load.

Note: When you duplicate a load, everything transfers over except for the dates and any assets (drivers and equipment).

3. Enter Missing Details: Update the date and assign drivers or equipment as needed.
4. Submit: After filling in the necessary details, click Submit to create the duplicated load.

How to Cancel a Load

1. Click on the Load: Select the load you want to delete.
2. Click 'Actions': Under the "Actions" menu in the top right, click the Cancel option.

3. Confirm: A confirmation will appear to make sure you want to delete the load. Confirm the cancellation, and the load will be marked as canceled but will still appear in the "Canceled" section under Lists.

How to Delete a Load

  1. Click on the Load: Select the load you want to delete.
  2. Click 'Actions': Under the "Actions" menu in the top right, click the Delete option.
  3. Confirm Deletion: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the load. Confirm to permanently remove the load from the system.

How to Restore a Load

Both canceled and deleted loads can be restored.

  1. Restore a Canceled or Deleted Load:
  • Navigate to Lists, and under the Filters section, choose the Status filter to view loads by their status.
  • Select Canceled or Deleted from the filter options.

  • All canceled or deleted loads will appear. You can then select a load and click Restore to bring it back into the system.

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