Managing loads in Truckpedia TMS is simple. You can quickly duplicate, delete, cancel, or restore a load with just a few clicks. Follow these steps to keep your loads up to date.
How to Duplicate a Load
1. Click on the Load: Navigate to the load you want to duplicate and click to open its details.Note: When you duplicate a load, everything transfers over except for the dates and any assets (drivers and equipment).
3. Enter Missing Details: Update the date and assign drivers or equipment as needed.
4. Submit: After filling in the necessary details, click Submit to create the duplicated load.
How to Cancel a Load
1. Click on the Load: Select the load you want to delete.2. Click 'Actions': Under the "Actions" menu in the top right, click the Cancel option.
How to Delete a Load
- Click on the Load: Select the load you want to delete.
- Click 'Actions': Under the "Actions" menu in the top right, click the Delete option.
- Confirm Deletion: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the load. Confirm to permanently remove the load from the system.
How to Restore a Load
Both canceled and deleted loads can be restored.
- Restore a Canceled or Deleted Load:
- Navigate to Lists, and under the Filters section, choose the Status filter to view loads by their status.
- Select Canceled or Deleted from the filter options.
- All canceled or deleted loads will appear. You can then select a load and click Restore to bring it back into the system.
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